About us

We[a] offer a superlative waterfront experience and opportunities to relax and enjoy the natural beauty of Japan’s greatest lake, Lake Biwa. Our members, including Marina and Yacht Club members, can choose the delightful, premium-quality experience that suits their mood that day.

Connecting directly to Setre Marina Biwako, the clubhouse features a distinctive curved roof and is built with natural materials from Shiga Prefecture such as wood, soil, and reeds. The building beautifully incorporates the natural phenomena of light, water, wind, and sound, letting visitors enjoy the beauty of Shiga to the fullest. When the wooden doors are opened, the breeze from Lake Biwa blows in, and rainwater from the roof is used to nurture a biotope. All outdoor spaces are topped with rooftop gardens, and guests can immerse themselves in the grandeur of Lake Biwa and its environs even while indoors.

About the Architect
Ryuichi Ashizawa Architect & Associates: RAA
Ryuichi Ashizawa
Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1971, Ryuichi Ashizawa graduated from Waseda University in 1994 and was employed at Tadao Ando Architect & Associates. In 2001, he established Ryuichi Ashizawa Architect & Associates (RAA). He has completed numerous architectural and landscape projects that harmonize with the Earth’s environment. Among his notable works are Bunka-za, a cultural theater on the waterfront in Osaka; Setre Marina Biwako; Factory in the Earth; Kogetsu-an, and Swales. Among his numerous honors both in Japan and overseas are the Architectural Institute of Japan Award, the Yoshinobu Ashihara Award, the Sustainable Housing Award, the JIA Environmental Architecture Award, the Leaf Award (UK), the Energy Globe Award (Austria), Re-thinking Future Sustainability Award (India), and the Dedalo Minosse International Prize. He is currently a professor at the University of Shiga Prefecture.

Environmental Impact Reduction
Yanmar Sunset Marina is committed to contributing to a society of abundance for future generations. To achieve this, we are working towards eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollutants from our facilities. We are dedicated to making a positive contribution to reducing our customers’ environmental impact as well.